Monday, February 28, 2011

Biggest number ever burpees!

So the school where I work makes a big deal out of the 100th day of school, mostly for the preschool and kindergartners, because well it's the biggest number ever!!!  So, I decided that on the day after the 100th day, just to prove that it wasn't really the biggest number ever, I'd do 101 burpees (this is not a bragging session, I did these over the course of 7 or so hours of the school day, so it's kind of like the SNL sketch where Will Ferrel boasts to his teenage daughter, who does not respect him, that he "drives a Dodge Stratus and can do 100 pushups in 20 minutes!").  After the last burpee was finished a kid came up to me and said, "Mr. Flynn, why don't you do one more?"  I think he was channeling Jorge.  So anyway we both did one more, making it 102 burpees on the day.  Not too shabby for a workday.


  1. That dry erase board should say "Mr. Awesome's 102 burpee challenge".

  2. I wrote that myself, I felt bad referring to myself as Mr. Awesome.
