Monday, February 28, 2011

Naughty Burpees!!

If you've never seen it, you're missing out!  These are the only hazy photos of this legendary ritual performed deep in the mountains of Colombia.  Sooooo NAUGHTY...

Biggest number ever burpees!

So the school where I work makes a big deal out of the 100th day of school, mostly for the preschool and kindergartners, because well it's the biggest number ever!!!  So, I decided that on the day after the 100th day, just to prove that it wasn't really the biggest number ever, I'd do 101 burpees (this is not a bragging session, I did these over the course of 7 or so hours of the school day, so it's kind of like the SNL sketch where Will Ferrel boasts to his teenage daughter, who does not respect him, that he "drives a Dodge Stratus and can do 100 pushups in 20 minutes!").  After the last burpee was finished a kid came up to me and said, "Mr. Flynn, why don't you do one more?"  I think he was channeling Jorge.  So anyway we both did one more, making it 102 burpees on the day.  Not too shabby for a workday.